Photo Download Library Usage Agreement

The photo materials on the Website were created with the aim of widely promoting the attractions of Iwate Prefecture, including its nature, history, and culture. Please read the following Terms of Use, and use the information widely to promote tourism in Iwate Prefecture.

Usage Rules

  1. Select the photo material you wish to use.
  2. Please read the “Terms of Use” and click “I agree” if you agree to the terms.
  3. Fill out the required items in the “Registration Form for Downloading Photo Materials for Promoting Tourism” (hereinafter referred to as “Registration Form”).
  4. Download the selected photo materials.

Terms of Use

  1. Photo materials may be used only for the purpose of contributing to the promotion of tourism in Iwate Prefecture. Its use is prohibited if associated with the following.
    1. Those that violate public order and morals
    2. Those associated with criminal activity
    3. Those that infringe on the copyrights of third parties, etc.
    4. Those that infringe on the property, privacy, etc. of a third party, etc.
    5. Others that violate the law
    6. Those that defame or slander a third party
    7. Those associated with pre-election campaigns, election campaigns, or similar activities that violate the Public Offices Election Act
  2. The copyright to the photo materials are owned by the Association or the photo material providers. Therefore, please make an effort to protect copyrights in good faith and properly manage the photo materials. Legal action may be taken in the event of malicious use, such as infringement of copyright laws or other applicable laws and regulations.
  3. Secondary processing of photo materials is prohibited as a general rule. However, this does not apply when cropping or making image quality corrections within limits that do not harm the subject’s image for use in tourism promotion materials, publications, or sales promotion materials.
  4. Commercial use of the photo materials themselves is prohibited. This includes activities such as selling or renting the photo materials, as well as manufacturing and selling items that rely on the commercial value of the photo materials (e.g. photo material collections, calendars, picture postcards, etc.).
  5. Use of these photo materials is at the user’s own risk. If any damage or disadvantage arises from the use of the photo materials, neither the Association nor the photo material provider shall be held responsible for any such damage or disadvantage.
  6. If you wish to use the photo materials for printed materials or similar purposes, please provide the finished product (or a copy of the product) to the Association. If you wish to use the photo materials on your website or for other similar purposes, please enter the URL in the Registration Form.