Ofunato Tsunami Tradition Museum

The Ofunato Tsunami Folklore Museum was tentatively opened on March 11, 2013, two years after the Great East Japan Earthquake.

You can see panels displaying videos and photos from the tsunami, and hear stories from storytellers about the evacuation process. You can also travel to the coastal area and listen to storytellers as part of a ``disaster area tour.'' *Reservation required

7-6 Chaya-mae, Ofunato-cho, Ofunato City 2nd floor, Ofunato City Disaster Prevention Tourism Exchange Center
Business Hours
10:00-15:30 *Reservation required
Every Wednesday
Adults (high school students and above) 500 yen, junior high school students 300 yen, elementary school students 100 yen
(One company) Ofunato Tsunami Folklore Museum
Phone number 0192-47-4408
FAX number 0192-47-4428

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