National Iwate Mountain Youth Exchange House
Campsite (200 people), outdoor kitchen (200 people), training rooms (12 rooms for 30-150 people), hall (400 people), music room, Japanese-style room, Nanbu Kyokuriya, gymnasium, playing field, tennis court, softball field, camping ground, etc.
The National House of Iwateyama Youth Exchange is a group accommodation facility for the sound development of youth through various training activities and nature experiences including life experience. National Iwate Mountain Youth Exchange House is a group accommodation facility with the aim of promoting the sound development of youth through various training activities and nature experiences, including daily life experiences. (However, groups and organizations with a specific purpose are welcome to use the facility, not limited to youth.)
Located at the foot of Mt. Iwate, the facility offers a variety of activities such as mountain climbing, camping, outdoor cooking, and sledding and tubing in winter. In addition, various creative activities and training activities using the gymnasium and training room are available throughout the year.
Takizawa City
Central Iwate